It has been another long week which has left me with little time to post on the net. Here are some of the daily photos from my Photo of The Day Project that I am currently working on. The above photo is of my aunt's bread pudding that I am such a fan of. She makes it using leftover pan frances (little french bread rolls that are so popular in the panaderias in Peru) that is soaked in water and then milk. This dessert is found all over the Lima and Peru and has a fairly light flavor that I prefer in my desserts. I know that it can be found in the US but the way its made in Peru is much better in my opinion.
Below is probably the worst photo of the day photo taken thus far. It's a closeup of french fries from Peru's famous pollo a la brasa dish. I was eating Tuesday night with the family when I realized that I had negelected to take my daily photo and in mad desparation I shot this photo with biggest disregard for autofocus or artistic creativity what so ever. Not even photoshop could save this photo.
This photo of clouds was taken from my bedroom window. I liked the way the clouds looked and the sunlight that refracted off of them. I am sure it could have been more color rich but there is this huge mountainous hill right behind our house that blocks the beautiful view of the ocean and the sunset.
On sunday I went with Zdenka on a walk through the Plaza de Armas and decided to take the tour of Cerro San Cristobal (a huge hill with a large cross on it). It had been years (the last time was when I was 11) since I had gone up to the top of the hill. At the top there is this large cross and these candles where people who have never been there before can make 3 wishes, if you have been there before you only get one. I made my wish and I hope it comes true.
I like this black and white photo of Jorge Chavez International Airport, it is definately a favorite of mine. Most of you who have been to Peru will recognize this familiar location. This was taken while I was waiting for a friend to depart for the States.
And last but no least is a photo taken at the Peruvian Air Force base in Callao. The Air Force has placed several war machines out on the front lawn for all the public to gawk over. This is an old russsian anti-air system.