Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Blind Limeñan Violinist

The violinist 2
Originally uploaded by marcomendoza136
Living in Lima, not mention working in Lima can be quite hectic and often times its hard to find a moment to just relax and unwind. Thankfully this weekend I was able to relax and spend some time with my friends.

We all decided to meet up in Downtown Lima near the Plaza de Armas on Saturday and just enjoy the remaining days of summer. We walked around the city and then spent the evening at very popular and famous bar called El Estadio (more on this place later) or "The Stadium" in English. There we enjoyed some cold beers and a warm plate of Tequeños (a personal favorite).

On Sunday, Zdenka and I hit the streets of downtown Lima early in search of breakfast, I was in the mood for Lomo al Jugo. While strolling through the rather empty streets we came across a blind man playing music on his violin for tips. The sound of the music was rather undistiguishable but it had a very uplifting sound. Zdenka approached the man to put some money in his little cup to which the man said nothing, instead concentrating hard on his song. Never letting a good photographic opportunity slip from my hands I managed to take a few photos in black and white since the colors were rather mute at that time of day.

I am always motivated and inspired when I see others surviving in conditions for more adverse than mine. It´s these small moments that make me appreciate life a little more each day.

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