Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Living in Peru and dealing with constant internet problems

Well as you have noticed I haven't posted anything on here since almost a week ago and that has mostly been due to internet connection issues that I have been having lately with my router system.  Granted I have internet access at work but to be honest the computers are these awful ancient relics that should be retired, not to mention the connection there is glacial slow and I have to share it with many of my fellow co-workers. 

So far life in Peru has been great, there have been a few hardships and difficulties but I try not to place blame on the city in which I life and instead recognize it as just another one of life's obstacles.  I never really thought that living in abroad in Peru would be so difficult and even figured that my English and degree in Psychology would be more than enough to land me a job on easy street, now I just look back and laugh at myself for having conjured such beliefs.  I this new year of 2010 I am very thankful to have found a job that is somewhat reliable and pays well enough for me not to want to hang myself or turn to a life of prostitution like those guys you see in Parque Kennedy in Miraflores.  I look forward to what the future holds for me and I have embraced the lifestyle here in Lima even if it frequently pisses me off (which is probably how Che felt when he met the Bolivians). 

I have made many friends while living in Peru and it helps that the people here can be rather friendly though often times they will do a complete 180 on you.  The customs of the Limeños and those who have migrated from smaller towns are to a point now (especially after the last 20 years) where they are almost indistinguishable.  Many reading this while probably disagree (mostly those who claim to be true Limeños) but the truth is that since Lima has grown so have the customs and cultures changed with said growth, some for better while others for the worse.  Those living in Lima find many ways to cope with the cities inhabitants customs, some choose to ignore it while others frustrated from there exhaustive efforts to try and understand them have surrended into a state of assimilation.  More on this topic in another post.

Last but not least I am grateful to have Zdenka my wonderful fiancee at my side.  Life seems so much more enjoyable and uplifting with her at my side.  She helps me to get through all my tough times and allows me to be a stronger individual. 

I have some really great photos that I want to post in the next few days so check back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Te amo amor estoy leyendo tu blog y esta muy lindo todo lo que escribes me entretengo viendolo, siempre voy a estar a tu lado eres lo mas lindo y especial que tengo te amo y siempre voy a estar ahi para ti besos mi amor
