Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Interview with RPP about Osama Bin Laden's death

That's right, I was at work yesterday when we received a phone call from RPP news (a national radio station for those who don't know), who were interested in interviewing some Americans to get their perspective on the recent death of long sought after terrorist, Osama Bin Laden.  At 11:45 they showed up at the office and with a microphone and camera in hand began their brief interviews.  The whole thing happened fairly quickly, one by one they interviewed us and got our opinions on the subject and then it was over.  Personally I didn't really expect to make the final cut since I didn't look directly into the camera but surprisingly I did.

My voice sounds awful when it's recorded for audio or video but there's not much I can do about that.
UPDATE:  after watching the video myself I just realized how lame my responses were...yeesh!

Anyways here is the video


  1. Hey Marco,

    Your comments weren't lame at all. I thought they described well a certain feeling of relief that some Americans might have had.

    I sensed a bit of nervousness, but you'll nail it next time.

    Keep on bloggin'!

  2. Thanks Paul,

    To be honest I was totally unprepared for an interview, and it was my very first interview EVER!!!

    I was a bit nervous but mostly because I didn't want to say something stupid.

  3. Creo que los deudos de el atentado ocurrido en NY el 11 de septiembre con la captura de OSama sienten algo de PAz , pero no deben olvidar que ahora asumirá el mando otro líder fuerte o peor aún así que debemos tener cuidado y sobre que todo que el Estado americano y la ONU estén pendientes de todo lo que puede acontecer dicha captura.

  4. yo no dirían que los deudos del 11 de septiembre están felices pero si están tranquilos por una parte debido a que la captura del OSama al fin se realizó.

  5. Estoy de acuerdo y lamentable la violencia nunca va a terminar en este mundo, es el lado oscuro y feo del ser humano que parece no tener cura, algo bestial. Orden parece ser la unica solucion, pero espero equivocarme...
