Last Saturday I was with Zdenka and we decided to go partake in some sin and go gambling at the Atlantic City Casino in Miraflores, which by the way sucks because instead of giving you coins they give you this stupid ticket, but I won't go into details about that.
We hailed a cab on the Av. Arica in Breña at roughly 10pm and within only 2 minutes of entering a loud thump was heard coming from the back of the rickety Tico. At the time we barely remembered seeing a man pass the car and it was then that we realized that he had hit our parked car and had passed out. That's right, having exited the vehicle to inspect the scene of the crime I found our victim sprawled out on the pavement. I had to act fast since there was oncoming traffic approaching over the horizon. Luckily there was a female cop at the scene who assisted by doing absolutely NOTHING,...wait what? That's right, she just stood there and watched the entire accident and rescue attempt unfold all while wearing what I considered an ironic citizen's police vest. Apparently in Peru the police couldn't give a damn about helping drunks and homeless which was fairly apparent and as my father confirmed, they really don't give a damn. NOTE TO SELF DON'T GET DRUNK TO THE POINT THAT YOU NEED POLICE ASSISTANCE, IT WON'T COME.
In an attempt to aid the downed citizen I and two other individuals proceeded to carry the limp body towards the sidewalk. I felt bad about leaving him lying in the middle of the sidewalk so I picked him up and sat him up against the wall of a pharmacy building. It wasn't until that moment that I realized he was totally drunk of his ass (as the details of this story will obviously prove).
I felt bad leaving the guy there knowing that he would more than likely be the future victim of robbery (which upon returning later the next day proved to be an accurate assumption as we found him lying in the middle of the street without shoes!), however I also had little sympathy for him since he chose to let the good times roll a little too hard.
Having conducted my good Samaritan deed for the year I reentered the cab and headed off to go gamble away the guilt of leaving a drunk man vulnerable in the streets of Lima, Awww LIFE!